Greatest Gambling Stories

Gambling addiction stories from around the world. Here at Yes No Casino we will be scouring the net for the best and worst gambling addiction stories. A lot of these should hopefully act as a warning for others of the dangers of gambling addiction and the impact this can have on the gambling individuals themselves as well as on the family. The title of Mark Paul’s book The Greatest Gambling Story Ever Toldis hyperbole but Mr. Paul’s book is nonetheless a captivating true narrative of two highly risky gambles. The first gamble was betting in the 1988 Kentucky Derby futures pool that the filly Winning Colors would run in and win the race and the second gamble was that the bet could be collected on even if she did.

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Published by: Authority Publishing
Release Date: January 6, 2020
ISBN13: 978-1-949642-28-5


The Greatest Gambling Story Ever Told is an inspiring personal narrative about a filly who broke through the male-dominated world of horseracing and inspired crowds of men and women alike, along with a trio of gamblers who embark on an unforgettable adventure that’s as epic as the historic victory of Winning Colors. It’s Seabiscuit meets Narcos, and the best true-life gambling story ever told.

In the late 1980s, a spectacular 3-year-old female racehorse named Winning Colors was being groomed for success under her famous “Hollywood” trainer, D. Wayne Lukas, and the billionaire owner of the San Diego Chargers pro-football team, Eugene Klein. Meanwhile, three fun-loving gamblers, Miami Paul, Dino Mateo, and Big Bernie believed that Winning Colors could be the unlikely female winner of the 1988 Kentucky Derby.

When the gamblers unknowingly place their longshot bet with members of a suspected drug cartel at a racetrack in Tijuana, Mexico, they must figure out how to claim their prize - without getting killed in the process. In a heart-pounding race of their own across the U.S.-Mexico border, the trio come face-to-face with suspected killers, are arrested by the Border Patrol, and fumble their way through the riskiest bet of their lives.


Greatest Gambling Stories

“How can you resist a true story with the Kentucky Derby, the Cartel, Tijuana Gambling, and a guy named “Miami? You can’t! Prepare yourself for the ride.”
—Brandt Andersen - Executive Producer, “American Made” (2017), “Silence” (2016) and “Lone Survivor” (2013)

'I loved reading The Greatest Gambling Story Ever Told and couldn't put it down. It's a wonderfully stylish and entertaining story filled with action, suspense, and a lot of heart.'
—Tobias Schliessler – ASC - Cinematographer of “Beauty and the Beast” (2017) “Dreamgirls (2006) and “Lone Survivor” (2013)

“I loved the book and story! I usually don’t like horse racing books because the writers don’t typically understand racing. Mark has recreated the world’s greatest racing event in an accurate, exciting and intense portrayal. It’s like being at the finish line with a million dollars on the line!”
—Aron Wellman, President & Founder, Eclipse Thoroughbred Partners, 25 Stakes Winners… Winner Belmont Stakes

“An exciting story of a filly battling the males in the Kentucky Derby… and the gamblers that risked their lives on her. I was fascinated by the behind the scenes aspects of thoroughbred racing. A fun, fast and exciting read.”
—Ken Stovitz, Producer of “The Karate Kid”

“My wife read to me The Greatest Gambling Story Ever while I was driving with her from Washington to California. We were glued to story as the miles rolled on and totally immersed in the characters as they shot off the pages with total realism. I felt like I knew the characters personally by the time we were a quarter of the way into the book. These three fun loving buddies discover they placed a bet with the Mexican Cartel. Talk about a life-threatening problem that had us fearing for their lives. Putting the book down was not an option. My god it was intense and provided us with the fastest trip to Los Angeles ever! I wished there was a second book for the trip home. Mark Paul captured the audience and wrote a true page turner.”
—Wallace Williams, author, Stand Down,The Candidates, and soon to be published Pay Back

“I loved the story of the filly taking on the male colts and their chauvinistic trainers! It is incredibly exciting when she runs against them in the Derby. I loved the characters so much and I hated for the story to end.”
—Patrice Scribante, Horse Lover

“These characters bet their lives on a 50 to 1 shot! The book is a fast paced read from cover to cover and the scenes getting out of Mexico scared me to death. These are some crazy gamblers betting on the world’s greatest race. Loved it!”
—Richard Zien, Co-Founder, Mendelson and Zien Advertising

“I have been a Maître D’ at the Santa Anita Turf Club for 42 years, and this wonderful book recreates the glory days of horse racing. I loved re-experiencing the story of the billionaire owners, famous trainers, and bold gamblers as they raced toward and epic Derby.”
—Jimmy O’Hara- Maître D', Santa Anita Racetrack 1977 to Present

Greatest Gambling Stories

“This booked ruined my vacation – because I sat in my room unable to stop reading! I was worried for the characters as they traveled to Mexico and back with millions in cash. I want to see this place in Tijuana, Mexico!”
—Rusty Weber, Wealth Manager

“I have owned horses for 30 years and loved this exciting and true story. The racing scenes will have you on the edge of your chair rooting for the brilliant filly battling the colts!”
—Joel Adelman, Thoroughbred Owner

“A fast, easy read with action that doesn’t stop. I enjoyed the racing scenes as well as watching the foolhardy gamblers try to extract themselves from their predicaments. A thoroughly enjoyable read.”
—Howard Parelskin, Attorney

“A wonderful and suspenseful journey on two guys taking the ultimate long shot bet. No hedges, no fallback, lots of potholes. An easy, fun read.”
—Rick Edwards, Investor

“Three young American wild guys compete with the Mexican drug cartel and escaped with their lives. They have a great time with the ladies and lived to tell how they made a $1,000,000 killing - betting on a filly and avoiding being killed themselves by the Mexican Cartel.”
—Stephen Tow, Financial Advisor


The title of Mark Paul’s book The Greatest Gambling Story Ever Told is hyperbole but Mr. Paul’s book is nonetheless a captivating true narrative of two highly risky gambles. The first gamble was betting in the 1988 Kentucky Derby futures pool that the filly Winning Colors would run in and win the race and the second gamble was that the bet could be collected on even if she did.

In the winter of 1988, D. Wayne Lukas was prepping the massive 3-year-old Winning Colors for the Kentucky Derby or Kentucky Oaks on behalf of her owner Eugene Klein, who also owned the San Diego Chargers of the National Football League. Mark Paul and two acquaintances of his from California are convinced that Winning Colors has a solid chance to win the Derby. They want to bet on her in a futures pool, taking on the risk that Lukas and Klein will opt instead to run her in the Kentucky Oaks for 3-year-old fillies, in which case their futures wagers will be worthless.

Paul and his friends decide to bypass the Las Vegas casino futures pool and instead bet at the allegedly drug-gang-owned Agua Caliente Racetrack in Tijuana, Mexico, where they can get much higher odds. This decision is treacherous because they may not be able to collect if Winning Colors wins the Derby…or if they do collect, they could be robbed and possibly killed in Mexico. Another obstacle is how to get winnings of over $200,000 back into the United States without notice from U. S. border guards.

Greatest Gambling Story Ever Told Reviews

Mark Paul, a commercial real estate broker nicknamed “Miami,” and his two accomplices are Damon Runyon-like characters, similar to so many racetrackers. Paul has raced motorcycles, sailed a motorcycle through the Panama Canal, and was incarcerated in a Mexican jail for six days at age fifteen. His buddies Dino and a rotund Big Bernie are expert horse-racing handicappers, who spend much of their days-off from work at Santa Anita and other West Coast tracks.

Greatest Gambling Movies

While the vagaries of betting on Winning Colors to win the Kentucky Derby—and collecting at a racetrack run by a suspected drug cartel—is the theme of the book, Paul also delves into the personal lives of himself and Dino and Big Bernie, notably Paul’s sometimes rocky relations with his girlfriend. This provides a human subplot to a story ostensibly about gambling.

The 147 pages of Paul’s paperback fly by if you enjoy tales of risk-taking adventurers and horse racing.

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