Omc Poker Term
Rolled up is a Stud term used to describe three-of-a-kind on Third Street (the first betting round in Stud). Two of the first three cards are downcards (hidden from our opponents). So, it’s virtually impossible for them to realise we hold three-of-a-kind. News, email and search are just the beginning. Discover more every day. Find your yodel. More specifically, it refers to older, nitty players who are mostly at the poker table to socialize, drink coffee, get comped meals from the casino, and maybe even read the newspaper. These players tend to play extremely tight, especially when much money goes in. They almost never bluff, and rarely put money in light. OMC stands for “Old Man Coffee”. It is a slang nickname for a specific player type that you might meet in a live game. Opinions differ on exactly which characteristics constitute someone as being an OMC. But the general idea appears to be as follows. Omc Poker Term, poker sites bonus no deposit, torneo poker corrientes septiembre 2020, casino terrace.
# Definitions
A large number of functions in Hand2Note based on separation of all players into two groups: regulars and fish.
Regulars are players who play poker for a living. Usually they play a lot of hands, and a database accumulates a large sample for them over time.
Fish is a common term for amateur players who play infrequently and not standard. Usually, it isn't possible to collect a sufficient sample for such players.
# Automatic recognition
Hand2Note identifies who is a regular in accordance with 'Who is reg' settings in your game type.
You can also assign a color marker to a player that will define him as a regular or fish. By default, the green marker is used to indicate a fish and red marker for a regular.
Color markers can be customized in Configuration → Color Markers.
Color marker has the highest priority when determining the type of the player. For example, if player's stats matches 'who is reg' conditions, but you marked him as a fish, Hand2Note will consider this player as a fish.
# Practical application
# Displaying different HUD for fish and regular players
Set 'Reg or fish' parameter to each panel or cell in HUD editor to display different stats for regs and fishes during the game.
# Creating specific stats with 'player type' filter
Use 'Reg or fish' parameter in Stats editor to create specific stats like 'Iso-Raise vs Fish':
# Exclusion of reg-vs-fish spots
Regulars play against other regulars quite different than against fish. Mixing of hands Reg-vs-Fish with hands Reg-vs-Reg leads to a significant distortion in statistics accuracy.
An average NL200 regular plays against a fish about half of all hands postflop, despite the fact that only one fish usually sits at the table. This happens because a fish more often comes into play preflop than regulars.
In order to solve this problem, Hand2note automatically excludes reg-vs-fish hands while calculating statistics if the corresponding option is enabled (Configuration → Other options → Statistics).
Statistics for the regulars become more accurate, since we are primarily interested in how regulars play against such as we are, i.e. against regs.
How it is defined that the hand is played against fish?
If any fish left in the game along with a player postflop, the hand is considered to be played against a fish. For example, in CONTINUATION BET FLOP stat for the regular player, those hands in which there was at least one fish among the player's opponents on the flop will not be counted.
# Exploring regs and fishes game tendencies
Easily build reports for regular or fish players by checking only one parameter in Range Research:
# Definitions
A large number of functions in Hand2Note based on separation of all players into two groups: regulars and fish.
Regulars are players who play poker for a living. Usually they play a lot of hands, and a database accumulates a large sample for them over time.
Fish is a common term for amateur players who play infrequently and not standard. Usually, it isn't possible to collect a sufficient sample for such players.
# Automatic recognition
Hand2Note identifies who is a regular in accordance with 'Who is reg' settings in your game type.
Omc Poker Terms
You can also assign a color marker to a player that will define him as a regular or fish. By default, the green marker is used to indicate a fish and red marker for a regular.
Color markers can be customized in Configuration → Color Markers.
Color marker has the highest priority when determining the type of the player. For example, if player's stats matches 'who is reg' conditions, but you marked him as a fish, Hand2Note will consider this player as a fish.
Omc Poker Term
# Practical application
# Displaying different HUD for fish and regular players
Set 'Reg or fish' parameter to each panel or cell in HUD editor to display different stats for regs and fishes during the game.
# Creating specific stats with 'player type' filter
Use 'Reg or fish' parameter in Stats editor to create specific stats like 'Iso-Raise vs Fish':
# Exclusion of reg-vs-fish spots
Regulars play against other regulars quite different than against fish. Mixing of hands Reg-vs-Fish with hands Reg-vs-Reg leads to a significant distortion in statistics accuracy.
An average NL200 regular plays against a fish about half of all hands postflop, despite the fact that only one fish usually sits at the table. This happens because a fish more often comes into play preflop than regulars.
In order to solve this problem, Hand2note automatically excludes reg-vs-fish hands while calculating statistics if the corresponding option is enabled (Configuration → Other options → Statistics).
Statistics for the regulars become more accurate, since we are primarily interested in how regulars play against such as we are, i.e. against regs.
How it is defined that the hand is played against fish?
If any fish left in the game along with a player postflop, the hand is considered to be played against a fish. For example, in CONTINUATION BET FLOP stat for the regular player, those hands in which there was at least one fish among the player's opponents on the flop will not be counted.
# Exploring regs and fishes game tendencies
Easily build reports for regular or fish players by checking only one parameter in Range Research: