Pathfinder Animal Companion Magic Item Slots

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I have a summoner in my party who wants to obtain an amulet of mighty fists for his eidolon. Does anyone know the rules with outfitting a summoned creature/animal companion with magic items. I found the table with slots for each creature, I was going to make the judgement that basically he would need to outfit his eidolon each time it was summoned. A humanoid-shaped body can be decked out in magic gear consisting of one item from each of the following groups, keyed to which slot on the body the item is worn. Note: If you click on the image at right of a person showing the body slots, you can download a PDF that you can print and fill in yourself!

Aura faint divination; CL 4th; Price 4,800 gp; Slot headband; Weight 1 lb.


This thin, silver circlet allows an animal wearing it to speak, even if it is not normally capable of doing so because of its low Intelligence score or lack of known languages. The creator of the item decides what language the circlet’s wearer can speak when she crafts the item (typically Common); once crafting is complete, this cannot be changed. A circlet of speaking does not grant an animal a bonus to Intelligence, and the wearer’s general behavior remains largely the same while it wears a circlet of speaking, though it can communicate its desires and rudimentary knowledge as though being spoken to via speak with animals.


FeatsCraft Wondrous Item; Spellsspeak with animals; Cost 2,400 gp

CompanionPathfinderPathfinder animal companion magic item slots slot

Pathfinder Animal Companion Magic Item Slots

Pathfinder Player Companion: Animal Archive © 2013, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Amanda Hamon, Philip Minchin, Jason Nelson, Patrick Renie, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Christina Stiles.

What about magical items for animal companions? Can't find any existing items for them in DMG 😕 Any tips?

Pathfinder animal companion magic item slots slot

— Mathew Michalak (@Trogaf) June 8, 2016

There are game balance issues to consider. Simple, minor items are probably the way to go, if you go there at all.

Pathfinder Animal Companion Magic Item Slots Online

— (((Chris Perkins))) (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) June 8, 2016

@ChrisPerkinsDnD a spider monkey companion with a wand of magic missiles would be pretty cool. 😛

— Raz (@Raz_Berry_Ranid) June 8, 2016


Pathfinder Animal Companion Magic Item Slots Free

— (((Chris Perkins))) (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) June 8, 2016